Look Spotless Genuinely! Easy Hacks on How to Cover a Bruise Without Makeup

From the tiniest finger pokes to dramatic automobile collisions, bruises are an ordinary sign of healing after injury. But while you’re anticipating relief, the inevitable need to cover up a nasty bruise starts haunting you. Even worse, hiding it with makeup becomes a daunting task. The process is complicated and tedious, but it only sometimes looks natural. 

You know the tolls applying makeup daily on the same area could take on your skin. Well, you know what? The good thing about bruises is that if managed correctly and in the proper context, they can even add to our aesthetic charm!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could cover up that bruise without all the extra work? Imagine having an easy guide to teach the hacks, so you can easily and quickly conceal a bruise without makeup. Even better, what if the guide shares completely natural items and makes hiding those worry spots as easy as looking into your wardrobe? You’re welcome!

With our easy-to-follow guide, you can confidently cover a bruise without makeup and with results that look like you don’t even have a bruise. So whether it’s to hide that sports injury or a nasty fall, we have covered you!

Here are the highlights of what you should expect this guide will contain:

  • A short section on bruises and their types.
  • Natural Remedies – This includes the items you can access and use easily while never putting your delicate skin at any side-effects risks.  
  • Clothing and Accessories – Who doesn’t want their wardrobe to help hide their flaws while simultaneously adding to their aesthetic charm? And;
  • Concealment Techniques – Contains products that Swap discoloration and make it match your original skin color!

So, are you ready to show up more confidently?

What Causes Bruises?

Broken blood vessels form bruises on our skin due to the leakage of blood from these tubes. Blood vessels are a transportation system within our bodies, carrying oxygen and nutrients to our organs. 

When a blood vessel becomes cracked, like a pipe, the blood has nowhere else to go and so pools under the outer layer of skin, resulting in the discoloration we recognize as bruising. Our body’s natural defense against this is platelets which work hard to repair any damage caused by these broken vessels, effectively blocking them from further leakage and eventually healing the bruise.

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Types Of Bruises And Their Characteristics

A sharp blow can cause more than just external cuts and wounds. Tiny blood vessels called capillaries are much thinner than the visible veins and arteries. When they snap shut due to a high-impact injury, the result can be an internal contusion or bruise. When this happens, it may not be immediately evident on the skin’s surface but will eventually appear as a discolored area. 

Bruises come in different types, such as:

Subcutaneous Bruise

Subcutaneous bruises are a frequent occurrence and are something anyone can experience at any time. People typically recognize them as the type of bruise beneath the skin that develops after hitting or falling on an area like their hands and knees. 

It’s almost inevitable for a person to get a subcutaneous bruise every once in a while!

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Cartilage Bruise

Cartilage is an essential tissue found in the body that serves various purposes. It is flexible but thicker and stiffer than muscle and softer than bone. 

Cartilage is found on the external parts of the body, such as the ears and nose, and plays a vital role in structure and support.

If there is trauma to cartilage, such as a bend or punch from physical contact, there may be bruising because it cannot heal itself as quickly as muscles can.

Eye Bruise

An eye bruise can make even the bravest of people flinch at the sight of their reflection. 

Understandably, a bruise on or around your eye can be painful and leave you with an unsightly, swollen appearance. But, thankfully, they are rarely severe and typically go away with ample rest.

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What Is The Average Duration Of A Bruise?

A bruise’s color indicates its age; it may be reddish upon forming. Over approximately two weeks, the body will naturally break down and reabsorb the blood, causing the color of the bruise to lighten until it eventually fades away gradually.

Cover A Bruise Without Makeup: Choose the Best-Suited Method for Yourself!

Natural Remedies

Treating a bruise at the moment of impact is crucial in reducing the time it takes for the discoloration to go away. So here are some natural methods to help you remove bruise discoloration more rapidly:

1. An Ice Pack – In the event of a minor injury, an ice pack might be just what you need for speedy healing. Using a cold compress like an ice pack or bag of frozen peas, applied to the affected area every hour for 20 minutes, can reduce swelling and speed healing by constricting the underlying blood vessels in response to the cold.

2. Arnica Gel or Cream – Arnica montana is a potent remedy for bruises, aches, and pains that people have used for centuries. Used topically in the form of cream, it can reduce swelling and discoloration from bruises and help heal the pain caused by them.

3. Aloe Vera – Aloe vera has long been known for its healing properties, mainly when applied to the skin. Many believe that using aloe-based products on bruises can speed healing due to the plant’s natural anti-inflammatory characteristics.

4. Essential Oils – These natural plant extracts have become increasingly popular natural remedies, offering convenient solutions with minimal risk. One of their more prominent uses is helping heal bruises, which are common injuries people of all ages suffer. One can reduce inflammation and pain associated with bruises by using essential oils such as helichrysum, chamomile, and geranium. However, be careful when using essential oils on the skin. They could cause skin issues like redness, rash, or other skin irritations when used undiluted. Always dilute them in water or carrier oil before topical application.

5. Vitamin K Cream – Numerous studies have shown that phytonadione, or vitamin K1, can be a powerful ally in healing bruising. Specifically, it has been observed to reduce inflammation and increase collagen production in affected areas, minimizing the duration and appearance of bruising. 

Clothing and Accessories

  • Covering a bruise with your clothing can be an effective way to conceal it from the public. This is especially useful if you want to go in public without people noticing your injury.
  • You can take your bruised areas from barely noticeable to covered up with the right accessories. A scarf can offer complete coverage; a hat paired with a statement jewelry piece adds personality and style. Swap out your everyday necklace for a longer layered one for extra coverage.
  • Wearing compression clothing is an easy and effective way to reduce swelling and conceal a wound! Compression clothes are technical fabrics that help circulate blood flow through your body without putting too much pressure on any specific area as a wrap or brace would. 

Concealment Techniques

  • Using a self-tanner or bronzer to darken the skin around a bruise is gaining more attention as an effective technique to reduce the appearance of bruises. Instead of covering the skin with foundation and makeup, this method works by saturating the area with a darker pigment – making the edges appear less obvious.
  • Dressing bruises with makeup can be a fast and straightforward solution to reduce the look of bruises. Many rely on green-tinted concealer to balance out bruises because the green counteracts redness.
  • With the help of yellow-tinted concealer, bruises can be concealed with makeup, making them virtually unnoticeable.

How To Make A Fake Bruise Without Makeup?

Creating a fake bruise without makeup is achievable in several different ways. Utilizing a black Sharpie or other dark-toned markers can do the job while rubbing a piece of charcoal or soot on the skin can also work…

Alternatively, blending cornstarch and water to form a paste and then spreading it on the skin will also create a convincing fake bruise.

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We all have experienced bruising at some point in life, and it can range in size and depth depending on the severity of the impact. Whether clumsily brushing against the corner of a table or slipping while walking, bruises can indicate to us just how painful something was!

Some people cover bruises with makeup, but it’s important to remember that doing so will not hasten to healing. While applying cosmetics over a bruise may mask its appearance, allowing yourself time to rest and recover is essential if you want a speedy recovery!

And what adds to the speed or allows full coverage to an unhealed bruise is the hacks we brought above-wishing. I wish you the best of luck with clearer, painless skin!

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