The Pathway to Tan Eradication! Here is How To Get Rid Of A Mask Tan

Bright stripes of bronzed skin, created by the sun’s warmth combined with the contrast of a colorful face mask; It’s quintessential summer!

From quirky cartoon characters to stars and stripes, patterned virus protection has become an essential part of fashion – so have become unmistakably trendy the mask tan lines!

If you’ve been wearing a mask more often lately, chances are you’ve noticed some “mask tan” on your face – the tell-tale sign that you’ve been doing your part to protect yourself and those around you. But while masks are great for keeping us safe, they can come with unintended side effects!

A mask tan, often characterized by patches of darker skin pigmentation around the areas of your face where your mask touches, can be a pesky issue that’s hard to get rid of. All it takes is a bit of extra effort in your skincare routine to reduce the appearance of those “mask tans” so you can feel confident and beautiful again. Following this professional guideline and with consistent care, you can easily take off that mask hair tie for good and show off the glowy skin underneath!

What A Mask Tan Actually is PLUS Main Causes

Have you woken up with a sunburnt face after a day in the sun, only to find that the sunburn is in the same pattern as your mask? A tan is your skin’s way of naturally fighting off the sun’s ultraviolet rays! Your body releases melanin in response to UV radiation, which darkens the complexion and acts as a defense against harmful exposure.

What really causes the mask tan? There are four main culprits behind this unwelcome complexion change:

1. Sun Exposure

Extended hours of exposure to UV rays can cause tanning along the face area covered by the mask, leading to a blotchy or uneven complexion. While it is essential to protect your skin, if you stay out too long with a face mask, the increased area of exposed skin will result in a darker tan.

Also Read: How to Tan With Fair Skin and Freckles

2. Wearing A Face Mask For A Long Time

Prolonged usage of a face mask can cause tanning of the skin underneath. The skin is prevented from getting enough oxygen due to occlusion, leading to an accumulation of heat and moisture. This, in turn, causes the skin to tan more than it would usually have, producing a ‘mask tan.’

3. Chemical Exposure From Cosmetics Or Skin Care Products

It is imperative to take heed when selecting cosmetics and skin care products that are used in tandem with face masks. When wearing a mask, several chemicals and fragrances in skincare and makeup can be exacerbated by sweat, heat, and humidity, resulting in skin discoloration.

4. Allergic Reaction To Materials In Masks

Allergens contained in face masks could bring about discoloration of the skin. An allergy to specific compounds, be it due to fragrances or anything else, could result in increased tanning of the area which is being covered by the mask.

Also Read: Can I Tan in A Tanning Bed with Wet Hair?

Preventing A Mask Tan

There’s no denying that this pandemic has put a toll on all of us – especially the skin. Hours spent wearing masks each day have caused the faces to develop a noticeable Mask Tan. Nonetheless, you don’t have to settle for it! 

Looking for tips on avoiding a mask tan? Here’s a list of seven steps you can take to prevent unsightly marks!

Use Sunscreen On Exposed Skin

Use a high SPF sunscreen on any exposed areas to protect against sunburn and another mask tan. Look for a sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection to make sure your skin is adequately protected.

Wear More Breathable Mask Material Like Cotton Or Linen

When it comes to masks, breathable wear materials, such as cotton or linen. Not only do these fabrics breathe easier, but they also provide a more even and less severe mask tan.

Cleanse Your Skin Regularly With Gentle Cleansers

Keeping your skin clean is also essential for maintaining an even tan line. Use a gentle cleanser on your skin that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils.

Avoid Using Harsh Chemical-Based Skin Care Products Or Cosmetics 

Ensure to avoid any skincare products or cosmetics formulated with harsh chemicals that can worsen mask-related skin irritation. 

Keep The Skin Around Your Mouth Hydrated With Moisturizers

Keep your skin well hydrated, especially around your mouth where the mask rests. Look for a moisturizer with soothing, calming ingredients such as aloe or green tea.

Change Out Your Face Masks Often

Make sure to change out your face masks regularly. This can help to ensure that you’re not breathing in dirty, recirculated air that can damage your skin. 

Consider Wearing A UV-Protective Face Shield

Offer an extra layer of protection against harmful UV rays. You can also wear a UV-protective face shield over your mask.

Treating A Mask Tan: Top Tips to Make It Possible!

Sun exposure can lead to skin discoloration, but with natural ingredients, you can bring back your skin’s natural tone. These DIY recipes are perfect for treating a deep tan and helping to brighten your complexion.

But first, you may like…

How Long Would It Take To Cure A Tan?

It typically takes 1-4 weeks for a tan to fade away with the proper removal treatment, depending on the stringency of the tan. With the proper remedy, you can quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of your tan and rejuvenate your skin to its natural, restorative state.

Now, let’s dive into the main game…

1. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating regularly helps to promote cell turnover, allowing the skin to recover from any damage or discoloration. Homemade exfoliators can be made with natural ingredients like sugar, coconut oil, and honey, or an exfoliator can be purchased at a local pharmacy.  

Through scrubbing off dead skin cells and encouraging new ones to grow, the active ingredients found in certain products can reduce an existing tan or lighten patches. They can even prevent the melanin formation that leads to the dark spots, making them diminish.

Be mindful when exfoliating, as overdoing it can lead to your skin becoming irritated, resulting in dark spots and even breakouts.

2. Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Easily accessible in the market and at home, Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant boasting antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin. Its gel or extracted form from the leaf can be applied directly to the critical area of the skin to not only enhance the complexion and protect from sun damage but also to remove sun tan from the face. 

Containing aloesin, which has the capability of lightening skin and treating pigmentation, the plant is also equipped with anti-inflammatory components to aid in burns, eczema, and wounds. 

Before hitting the sack, generously apply a layer of Aloe Vera Gel, then rinse off with a gentle cleanser in the morning.

3. Use Honey And Yogurt As A Face Mask To Lighten The Skin

Utilizing yogurt as a bleaching agent can help diminish pigmentation. Natural acids and enzymes work to exfoliate the skin and remove tans. At the same time, the addition of honey to the mixture brings beneficial antioxidants to soothe the damage caused by the sun. 

To create this nourishing treatment, simply combine two tablespoons of yogurt with two to four drops of honey and blend. After application, let it sit on the skin for fifteen minutes before washing it away with water.

Also Read: How to Remove Dead Skin After Microneedling?

4. Use Topical Treatments Containing Vitamin C, Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Or Hydroquinone

Skin-whitening components Vitamin C, Arbutin, Kojic Acid, and Hydroquinone are considered to evacuate harsh, dry, and toughened skin. When consolidated together, these elements make a one-of-a-kind combination that efficiently reduces hyperpigmentation, thus creating perfect skin. 

If the tan continues, topical medications containing Vitamin C, Arbutin, Kojic Acid, and Hydroquinone can be considered to hasten the lightening procedure.

5. Wear Wide-Brimmed Hats

Hats that offer adequate sun protection are a must-have to shade the head, face, neck, and ears. Not all hats provide the same amount of coverage, as the type and design of the hat determine the protection it provides to areas like the nose, forehead, cheeks, neck, and ears. It is essential to take note of the material the hat is made from, as the hat must be able to block the solar UVR. Most materials used to make hats provide good protection from UVR due to their ability to absorb it. 

For comprehensive coverage of the head, ears, face, and neck, Wide-Brimmed Hats, used in combination with other forms of protection, can be a great way to stay safe in the sun.

Additional Natural Tan Removal Additives Entail

Several other natural ingredients are believed to help remove tan from the skin:

  • Yogurt and tomatoes
  • Yogurt and orange juice
  • Ice
  • Bitter gourd
  • Multani mitti

Utilizing their natural components, these ingredients are adept at lightening the skin’s tone, diminishing the look of sun-induced damage, and bringing back the complexion’s natural radiance.

Safety Is the First Priority

Living in this era of the internet, home remedies and treatments are rampant and can be found on any given website. As therapeutic and helpful as these can be, safety concerns arise as people put anything on their faces without caution. With so much knowledge out there, though, comes responsibility. 

Always Patch Test Before Applying Any Home Remedy On Face

To avoid any added harm to your skin, it is essential to always patch-test any remedy you intend to use on your face. Patch testing should always be done in an inconspicuous area, such as the inside of your arm, to identify any adverse reaction before using it on the face. 

If a home remedy gives any indication of stinging, itching, or irritation, it’s best to cease right away.

Consult A Dermatologist Before Trying Any Treatment Options

It is recommended to always seek the advice of a board-certified dermatologist or skin professional before trying out any treatment. A specialist will be able to give tailored advice and suggest remedies or products that are safe to use.

Important Tips To Remember

As the days start to get warmer, it is more important than ever to protect your skin from the sun. Here are some easy steps to help keep you safe:

  • First and foremost, cover up! Hats, sunglasses, stoles, and anything else that will cover exposed skin will help protect you from harmful rays. 
  • Make sure to avoid peak sunlight hours, between 10 am and 2 pm, whenever possible.
  • Sunscreen should be applied before going outdoors and reapplied every two hours to ensure proper coverage.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and eating healthy, fiber-rich foods like green fruits and vegetables.
  • If you’re exposed to the sun or a pool frequently, remember to apply protection creams every 20 minutes and pick sun-friendly cosmetics to use. 
  • Wash your face at least twice a day to get rid of any unwanted impurities that can harm your skin.

Following these simple steps can help protect your skin from the harsh rays of the summer sun and keep you healthy.


The dilemma is: You wear a face mask to protect yourself and your loved ones, but you’re left with a tell-tale tan line afterward. It’s an eyesore and a constant reminder of the times we live in, but it doesn’t have to be! 

The most effective way to reduce the appearance of a tan is to protect your skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. As your skin naturally sheds tanned skin cells and replaces them with new ones, the tan will gradually fade away. If you want to expedite the process, you can opt for treatments, tan removal creams, or simple home remedies. Maintain a balanced diet as well as a healthy skincare regime to keep your skin nourished and radiant.

With a few simple steps offered above, you can quickly and easily get rid of that mask tan and restore your skin’s natural glow. No matter how strong your mask tan may be, with the right tan removal remedy you can return to your beautiful, glowing complexion in a jiffy!

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